Cub Scout Pack 760

Attend a Meeting and Decide if Cub Scouting is Right for Your Family

The easiest way to learn about Cub Scouting is to attend one of our weekly meetings. During the school year, we meet every Tuesday from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at First United Methodist Church at 72 Lake Morton Drive in downtown Lakeland. Join us in Room F-1, located east of the main building.

When you arrive, one of our parent volunteers will greet you. Your child will be able to join in with other Cub Scouts, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

As you consider Cub Scouting, it can be helpful for your family to answer a few questions:

  • Does Scouting fit with the values and interests of our family? Scouting welcomes girls and boys from all backgrounds with the goal of developing citizenship, character, personal fitness, and leadership. If those are qualities you want to cultivate in your child, Cub Scouting is a great way to do it.

  • Does Scouting fit in our schedule? Our Pack meets once a week during the school year, with time off for major holidays, as well as once a month for camping or an activity day. We also have weekend opportunities for fundraising as a Pack. While it’s okay to miss a meeting here and there, it’s important for you and your Cub to consistently attend meetings, so he or she can earn advancements and stay excited about the program.

  • Is at least one adult in our family willing to participate on a weekly basis? Can another adult or the same adult volunteer their time to help the Pack? Cub Scouting is a hands-on family event. Each Pack is run by adult volunteers, and we need every family to participate in order to make it successful. Helping doesn’t have to be a huge task. Whether you’re helping Cubs learn how to tie knots, showing them how to use a hammer, leading a hike, or managing Cubs while they clean up or helping to plan a campout, bringing table clothes to potlucks, ordering awards, greeting families and taking attendance, or posting to social media, your participation will make a difference. We REQUIRE each family to volunteer in some way during the year, and parents/guardians must remain with their Cub during all meetings and activities.

  • Does Pack 760 feel like the right fit? There are multiple Cub Scout Packs in Lakeland and each one is a little different. Our Pack does not allow screens, and we are very mindful of cultivating a wholesome family experience. We expect families to behave similarly as to how they would at church or at school. Here is an important message from First United Methodist Church. We encourage you to visit more than one Pack to find the one that feels right for your family. To look up Cub Scout packs near you, visit .

  • How much does scouting cost? Here is a breakdown of the costs of being a Cub Scout:

If you’re child is ready to join, visit the Getting Started section to sign up.
