Getting Started

We are excited to welcome you to Pack 760!  You should have already purchased a membership to the national BSA organization for you child/ren by visiting Now, you’ll begin the on-boarding process for our Pack. Here are tasks and information to get you started:

  1. Complete the BSA Youth Protection Training and Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation Training (BALOO) found on for each adult who will participate in scouting activities. Note, this step must be completed within one month of your child joining and before adults may participate in any overnight camping. Pro Tip: Download the blue app.

  2. Email completed Youth Protection Training and online BALOO training certificates to our Pack Trainer, Megan Parker, at

  3. Complete and email to the same address as above the BSA Annual Health and Medical Form (parts A and B only) for all scouting participants (adults and children). The form can be downloaded HERE. Email or turn in forms to Janine Anderson at Pro Tip: Save the editable PDF in a Scouting folder on your computer so you can reprint with new dates each each.

  4. Fill out this talent survey at

  5. Pay membership dues. Fee is $150/year/cub for families with 1-2 children; $100/year/cub for families with 3 or more children; $100/year/cub for children belonging to adults who serve in leadership positions. A breakdown of all costs can be found at Note, families with more than 3 cubs will pay $100/year/cub. This is the pack fee and is separate from fees paid to BSA. There are fundraising opportunities to help cover this amount and the fee can also be paid in installments. Please do not let the membership dues prevent you from signing up for Scouts. Please talk to our Treasurer, Matt Boone, if you have any concerns paying membership dues and for payment by cash or check (checks made payable to GTBAC Pack 760, Memo: Cub Name. You may pay online via the button on the bottom of this page. You will receive Cub Account statements from MoneyMinder.

  6. Log-in to ScoutBook using your log-in credentials and link up to your Cub/s. This is the platform that tracks all advancement, service hours, activity hours, etc for your Cub for the duration of their scouting career. Pro Tip: Download the Red “Scouting” app.

  7. Purchase a handbook and uniform for your Cub/s. See Uniforms and Handbooks on our website for details.

  8. Cubs in 1st - 5th grade need to begin working on their Bob Cat Rank. See your Den Leader for details.

  9. Sign up for pack communications. Please reach out to your Den Leaders with all questions. If they can not answer your question, see the Parent Directory and Training document pinned in the Cub Scout Pack 760 GroupMe chat to find the right person.

Please complete this online form AFTER you have completed the steps above.